
Sound baths

An hour of restorative sonic bliss, ending with homemade chocolate!…

Please read on for more info & how to book, & see my Sound Therapy page for frequently asked questions answered in a bit more depth.

Dates for February:

• Wednesday 5th 1800

• Sunday 9th 1800 (crystal bowls only)

• Sunday 16th 1800

• Wednesday 26th 1800

location St Davids

• ‘What is a sound bath & why would I want one?’ 

Everything is made of energy, which has a frequency, & in a world where we’re being constantly bombarded with jarring, chaotic frequencies, sound baths are the perfect antidote.These chaotic frequencies surrounding us can easily send our energy fields out of sync, taking our minds, bodies & emotions into uncomfortable & often unhealthy states; as can any kind of emotional, physical or mental stress.

In a sound bath, healing sound frequencies are used (my standard sound baths involve Himalayan singing bowls, the gong & crystal bowls tuned to 432hz, and I also do some with crystal bowls only) to entrain the body’s frequencies back to a state of natural order & coherance.Brainwaves slow, calm is restored, the nervous system is tuned, & the body responds accordingly…

Floor mattresses & eye pillows are provided, so just bring pillows & as many blankets & cushions as you need to get really comfortable, & let the sounds wash over you for 50-60 minutes…Then we eat healthy & delicious chocolate truffles!

Everyone is welcome (they generally seem to appeal to women, but men & teens are very welcome too).

• Booking is necessary. Please contact me via email or phone (preferably text; contact details below) & I’ll reserve you a space if available.

The cost is £15 & payment is needed to confirm your space (I will send a payment link after booking).

As I need a minimum number of people booked on in order for it to run, I will let everyone know if it’s going ahead the evening before.

If it doesn’t go ahead I will refund you, but cancellations after I’ve confirmed it’s going ahead will not be refunded.

To book, please either email me or message me 07479 281808.

• I also take private bookings for personal sessions or groups. These are £60, & as the space holds up to 4 people, the cost can be split between whoever’s coming (friends, partners etc.).The beauty of these is that they can be tailor made for you… Some people don’t like the intensity of the gong & would prefer a whole session with the crystal bowls, or you may like the gong but prefer it quieter than how I usually tend to play it. We can incorporate tuning forks for aches, pains, grounding & clearing, binaural beats for altered brainwave states, & generally focus on your individual needs, including which day & time suits you.

• Gift vouchers are also available (see my shop page or contact me directly).

• Nb: Not suitable for pregnant women & please see my sound therapy page for other precautions/ contraindications.


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