Organic gluten-free sourdough starter 100g (with recipes & instructions)


Sourdough bread is nowhere near as complicated to make as many people like to make out, nor are sourdough starters impossible to keep alive, gluten-free otherwise.
I’ve been into fermenting for a long time & for some reason there is a lot of artisan snobbery around – so I like to encourage people to stick their fingers up to that & confidently plunge right in.

I’m not saying these things look after themselves; they need attention & commitment, but it’s nothing more than a decent initial setup & a 5 minute kitchen habit.
If you can keep a cat you can keep a sourdough starter.

If you’re thinking of buying one of these just make sure that you have a 1 or 2 litre kilner jar or similar (glass with a wide neck), a piece of muslin/ thin cotton & elastic to secure it, a smallish whisk, some buckwheat & brown rice flours, & somewhere warm to store it. This is important, as warmth really is key to keeping a starter happy.
I used to keep mine on top of our boiler until we had to get a new one which is annoyingly too efficient to lose enough heat to keep the starter going.
Some people use a sunny window sill in summer & an airing cupboard in winter.
I have a year round setup which works for me as it’s pretty fail-safe. I do get laughed at for ‘mollycoddling’ my starters but who cares – it makes me good bread!
I basically have a heat pad (for plant germination & suchlike) on my kitchen shelf to put my starters on, then I have a piece of thin neoprene wrapped around them held on with a piece of elastic – a bit like the Aussies have stubby coolers for their beers.
Choose whatever works for you.

Please note that on arrival the starter will very much be alive but in a slightly dormant state due to travelling in the post.
I suggest feeding it twice a day as per the instructions until it has a bubbly texture when stirred.
Enclosed will also be my recipe for gluten-free sourdough bread.
