Organic immune-boosting manuka fire cider 250mls
Fire cider is a (non-alcoholic) knock-your-socks-off health tonic…
Absolutely packed full of organic, high antioxidant, anti-inflammatory & detoxing herbs, fruits, roots & spices in an alkalising apple cider vinegar base, sweetened slightly with manuka & raw honey.
Designed to be taken as a diluted shot throughout the winter months as a power-packed boost to our already incredible immune systems.
As an added bonus, a shot of apple cider vinegar before a meal helps to balance blood sugar & is therefore a helpful weight control tool, as well as being naturally alkalising (a healthy body is slightly alkaline, but foods, toxins, lifestyle habits & stresses of today’s world mean that most of us struggle to keep that balance).
It will keep for at least 6 months out of the fridge & 18 months in the fridge.
Apple cider vinegar, horseradish, onion, garlic, ginger, fermented turmeric, dandelion, burdock, chilli, lemon, rosemary, black peppercorns, bee pollen, manuka honey, raw honey.