
ACV gummies with digestive bitters

These gummies came about from me combining a few things I find hugely beneficial for my overall, gut & liver health, yet difficult to get round to taking:

1) bitter foods & herbs

2) apple cider vinegar

3) gelatin

I find all of these awkward to take because of their form, taste or quantity – none of them can just be picked up & eaten, & given that it’s beneficial to take them around 15 minutes before food, i.e. when you’re right in the middle of cooking, it’s something that so easily gets fobbed off ‘until tomorrow’.

Bitters, aka digestive bitters are amazing in that they stimulate enzymes, stomach acid & bile. This makes it a lot easier for us to break down food.

I’m always banging on about liver health because it’s our main detox organ & these days under constant strain from our toxic world. One of the ways in which it struggles is producing enough bile to break down fats, & this is an increasingly rife issue in so many people (myself included if I don’t keep on top of it) for which bitters are an absolute tonic.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) I love for its alkalising properties & blood sugar stabilising abilities. Taken before a meal it significantly reduces the blood sugar spike, which helps keep energy levels steady & weight under control.

Gelatin is known for its gut healing properties & is also a great source of protein if you choose to eat animal products. Its important to get organic & grass-fed & I use bovine.

…So, on a mission to gain all of these benefits with as little faff & unpleasantnessas possible, I played around with quantities & combinations until I came up with these.

One important thing to note is that these gummies are not in the running for a Great Taste Award!

They are bitter by name & nature, & tasting the bitterness is part of the process. Their purpose is medicinal rather than as a flavour treat, but saying that the amount of honey you add is completely up to you. When I first made them I intended to be as hardcore as possible & leave out the honey altogether to get the maximum ‘pure’ benefits, but it was just too unpleasant!

Experiment & see what works for you.

Powder blend:
3 teaspoons ground fennel seeds
2 teaspoons orange peel powder
2 teaspoons ground caraway seeds
1 teaspoon dandelion root powder
1 teaspoon ginger powder
1/2 teaspoon ground black peppercorns
125mls apple cider vinegar
3 tablespoons gelatin
2 tablespoons powder blend
2 tablespoons honey

The recipe is in 2 parts. First you make the powder blend, then the gummies.

The powder blend will make enough for more than 1 batch, & you can always multiply the quantities & store for the next few lots.

• To make the gummies, mix everything except the honey in a pan.

•Stir then gently heat until the gelatin has melted.

• Add honey to taste. I used 2 tablespoons just to take the edge off the sourness but you can add more or less if you like.

• Pour into molds/ ice cube trays or even just a lined dish & put in the fridge to set. One serving is roughly the size of a teaspoon & I’d recommend 1-3 per day, spaced out & taken 15 minutes before food.

• They will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for a week.

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