• In the evening, stir the starter, brown rice flour, white flour, buckwheat flour & water together.
• Cover & leave at room temperature overnight.
• In the morning, add the remainder of the ingredients & stir well to remove any lumps.
• Pour into a lined loaf tin, cover & leave to rise somewhere warm (I use a cool box/ hot box with a hot water bottle in. Other good places are airing cupboards, hot window sills or even just a coat with a hot water bottle) for 3-5 hours.
Don’t worry if it doesn’t seem to have risen much; most if the rise happens in the oven.
• Pre-heat the oven to 210c & put a roasting tray filled with boiling water at the bottom of the oven to act as a steamer to help the bread rise.
• Bake for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180c & bake for a further 50 minutes. Ta-da. Done.
• Best eaten on the day it’s cooked or the day after, or frozen.