
Gluten-free sourdough bread

It’s taken me what feels like at least 15 years to perfect this recipe!
I’ve had so many failures over the years which my bread-deprived family still ate happily whilst patiently waiting for something that actually resembled ‘normal’ bread to be put in front of them…
So we were all relieved when this one ticked all our bread boxes; gluten-free, sourdough, tasty, healthy, & simple to make, i.e. no kneading.
For the sourdough starter, please see my previous recipe to make your own, or if you don’t like the idea of starting from scratch, I sell it in my shop.

150g gluten-free starter
150g brown rice flour
50g white rice flour
50g buckwheat flour
300g warm filtered water
100g potato starch
50g tapioca flour
2 teaspoons ground psyllium husks
8g sea salt
1 large egg
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

• In the evening, stir the starter, brown rice flour, white flour, buckwheat flour & water together.

• Cover & leave at room temperature overnight.

• In the morning, add the remainder of the ingredients & stir well to remove any lumps.

• Pour into a lined loaf tin, cover & leave to rise somewhere warm (I use a cool box/ hot box with a hot water bottle in. Other good places are airing cupboards, hot window sills or even just a coat with a hot water bottle) for 3-5 hours.
Don’t worry if it doesn’t seem to have risen much; most if the rise happens in the oven.

• Pre-heat the oven to 210c & put a roasting tray filled with boiling water at the bottom of the oven to act as a steamer to help the bread rise.

• Bake for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180c & bake for a further 50 minutes. Ta-da. Done.

• Best eaten on the day it’s cooked or the day after, or frozen.

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