• Shred the cabbage& soak in a brine solution of 2 tablesp sea salt per litre, for at least 6 hours/ overnight; this helps to soften the cell walls of the cabbage so that the flavours can later infuse.
• Rinse thoroughly & mix well with the other ingredients, adding a tablesp of sea salt & massaging into the vegetables for a few minutes.
• One handful at a time, put into a kilner jar or similar, tightly packing it down with a rolling pin; this is to avoid air pockets where mold could form.
• When it’s all in, pour in any liquid from the bottom of the bowl, & put some clean stones, fermentation weights or a heavy jar on top of the vegetables to keep them submerged in the brine.
• Put the date on the jar& leave at room temperature for 2 weeks, although you can taste it after a week. It should be sour, not too crunchy, & not too salty.
• When done, decant into another jar to store, this time squeezing out as much liquid as possible.
• Store in the fridge for months.