When I was meant to be cooking dinner for my family one night, I got distracted & reinvented shit crisps. You know those puffy ones made from rancid oil, MSG & not much else but they taste amazing? Well, Graham came home that night to what he described as a ‘curious smell’.
“What’s that smell?” he said.
“I’m dehydrating some kimchi.”
“Of course you are, Luce – who isn’t?”
…& that was that, but to me, the smell wafting out of my dehydrator took me right back to one of my all time faves of the eighties; PICKLED ONION MONSTER MUNCH!
‘Omg’ I thought, (I hadn’t quite decided what I was going to do with my dehydrated kraut & kimchi, but I knew it involved grinding it into a powder& seasoning something with it)…’Imagine if I could create ‘shit crisps, the healthy version’?!’ …
So that night, despite heckles from my children of “Why faff about with that when you could just dollop it on your plate & have done?” & “why not just stop making it, it stinks”, I popped some corn, added a few secret ingredients, then sprinkled on a generous dusting of kimchi & beet-kraut powders – & “Aaaagh! It worked! It tastes like shit crisps but it’s not shit!” The look on my kids’ faces (who’ve sworn since birth they’d never touch kraut as long as they live), was priceless. They so didn’t want to like it. Their hands couldn’t resist taking some to try. Their eyes lit up when they did…then they had a full on fight over it. Brilliant!
Coconut oil/ goats butter/ ghee
Maple syrup
Sea/ Himalayan salt
Kimchi/ kraut powder