I think this would work with most vegetables but leave out anything that stinks, like kale. Beetroot is great because it makes it this lovely colour…
• I generally juice courgette, beetroot, cucumber& carrots, save the pulp for this (about 2 handfuls)& a cake, then juice whatever else I have.
• Use a ratio of 2:1 pulp to almond flour, add 2 eggs, a fair bit of salt& pepper, then about a teaspoon of garlic powder& 1/2 teaspoon onion powder.
• Bake in a loaf tin for about 1/2 hr.
• …Or you can spread it out in a tray& bake in a much lower oven (or dehydrator if you have one) for a lot longer until crispy- then you have crackers 😋. For a vegan version or if you want more crunch, use flax seeds instead of eggs.