
Leftover Vegetable Juice Pulp Loaf

I’m sure I can do better than that for a name but I’ve not long woken up.
Contrary to popular assumption, I don’t like lentils. This makes these loaves, nut roasts etc unavailable to me because they generally contain them. This however, is lentil free AND is really quick AND uses up the pulp from making a juice AND is surprisingly tasty. If you have any beetroot sauerkraut, a sausage& a dollop of goats yoghurt knocking about too, you’ll be in unexpected heaven.

This recipe uses garlic & onion powder; they’ve recently become massive favourites of mine, mainly because I discovered that my kids will eat 80% more things if covered in garlic or onion, plus it means when I’m in a rush or can’t be arsed to peel, crush, chop& fry, I don’t have to.

Vegetable pulp from juicing
Almond flour
2 eggs
Garlic & onion powder
Salt & pepper

I think this would work with most vegetables but leave out anything that stinks, like kale. Beetroot is great because it makes it this lovely colour…

• I generally juice courgette, beetroot, cucumber& carrots, save the pulp for this (about 2 handfuls)& a cake, then juice whatever else I have.

• Use a ratio of 2:1 pulp to almond flour, add 2 eggs, a fair bit of salt& pepper, then about a teaspoon of garlic powder& 1/2 teaspoon onion powder.

• Bake in a loaf tin for about 1/2 hr.

• …Or you can spread it out in a tray& bake in a much lower oven (or dehydrator if you have one) for a lot longer until crispy- then you have crackers 😋. For a vegan version or if you want more crunch, use flax seeds instead of eggs.

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