• Line some kind of tin or tray with baking paper first, because when it’s ready to pour you need to do it quickly.
• Put the maple syrup & butter/ coconut oil in a pan & turn up to a medium-high heat (I use 4 out of 6).
• Stir constantly, especially when it starts bubbling.
• Add in plenty of salt & taste before it gets too hot.
• When you’re happy with the flavour, just keep stirring.
• It will take approximately 4-5 minutes, & the main way to tell when it’s done is by smell. It will start to smell ever so slightly burnt & as soon as this happens, pour it into your tin immediately.
I’d recommend making ‘plain’ toffee a few times first (recipe is the same as this one but replace the molasses with maple). This is because the molasses already has a slight burnt tinge, so it’s more difficult to tell what’s going on.
Another thing to look out for is that it can start to split. This happens mostly with the coconut oil & isn’t a problem, it just means that it’s almost done.
• Put the tin in the fridge, then when it’s hardened up, smash it into pieces & enjoy!
If you make your own ice cream it makes a lovely addition, as it somehow melts & creates delicious little pockets of goo…