What is sound therapy?
So much more than deeply relaxing (although how many of us truly realise the importance of proper relaxation until it’s gone too far the other way?), sound therapy is the application of healing frequencies to entrain the body’s energy system (& therefore body, mind & emotions) back to a state of health, coherance & order.
Essentially we’re helping to clear energetic ‘knots’ – areas of stagnation & dissonance which gather in our energy system throughout life, particularly in response to stress, trauma, external conditioning & unnatural environmental frequencies such as WiFi & other EMFs.
We tend to see & respond to life through the lens of these ‘knots’, which can give us a distorted, tainted, often stressful version of reality. This also influences the energetic signal we send out – which is then matched & reflected back to us with life experiences to help us see what needs to be seen in order to be cleared.
The clearing of dissonant frequencies helps to strip away what isn’t ours, allowing our innate health & true nature, with its inner knowings & ‘birds eye’ perspective to come to the fore.
Why would I want a sound bath?
Everything is made of energy at varying densities, including humans. What happens in our biofield (also known as aura or energy body/field) filters down to eventually affect the physical body, & tied up in all of this are our thoughts, memories & emotions.
So it pays to look after our energetic system, as clearing blockages is not only healing for our current health, but acts as a preventative for our future health & wellbeing.
The frequencies merging with our energy fields can have a huge impact on us on all levels, & in today’s world we are increasingly being bombarded with dissonant (jarring, chaotic & potentially harmful) frequencies that the body doesn’t naturally resonate with. They come in as scrambled signals, sending our energy fields out of sync, which can then take our minds, bodies & emotions into uncomfortable & often unhealthy states.
By contrast, sound baths introduce coherant, healthy, harmonious frequencies which the body does recognise & can attune to, coming back to a state of natural order.
When the body resonates with these healing, natural frequencies, we feel the benefits on all levels:
• Physically, the vibrations act as an internal sonic massage for the muscles, tissues & organs, as well as going right into the cells (when we consider that we are over 90% water, & how clearly vibration affects water, it’s easy to see how), reminding them of their natural state of health & order. Nitric oxide is also released which has a pain relieving effect on the body.
• Mentally, brainwaves slow, often to deep meditative states, the diverse benefits of which are now widely recognised. Some studies have found the effects to last a lot longer than meditation too. Mental chatter often subsides & people tend to sleep incredibly well after a sound bath (if not during!).
• Emotionally not only do we feel the benefits of altered brainwave patterns, but the frequencies created by the crystal bowls are known to induce particular emotional states, such as peace, relief, stability & joy.
• Spiritually, when our brainwaves slow & our thoughts calm, we can access a wider perspective less susceptible to programming, & gain intuitive insights & shifts which we can bring back into our daily lives.
What happens & what does it feel like?
My sound baths last 50-60 minutes.
Participants lie down on padded floor mattresses (which are provided, alongside eye pillows), getting as comfortable as possible in a nest of cushions, pillows & blankets. The room is cosy & dimly lit with salt rock lamps.
(Below is a description of my standard sound baths, but I also do some with crystal bowls only, as a more gentle version. Which type will be stated next to the date on my events page).
I begin with the Himalayan bowls for approximately 5 minutes. These have such a wide range of sounds that our brains are unable to keep up their normal pace of relentless chatter, & start to slow, allowing us to begin relaxing.
Then I gently bring in the gong. I do like to warn people that the gong can get quite loud & therefore intense, however this isn’t sudden or jarring; the sound builds very gradually & most people find it incredibly relaxing & liberating. It’s an extension of the Himalayan bowls really, & brainwaves typically continue to slow.
How the gong is experienced varies enormously from person to person however & can be totally different each time. There are many frequencies emitted from the gong, one of which is phi, or the golden mean ratio. This is the geometric blueprint for creation & order in nature. It’s seen physically as a beautiful repeating pattern in e.g. shells & roses, & acoustically it creates a far reaching, swelling sound that comes in & builds in waves.
Gong frequencies tend to be non-specific in their effects in terms of experience. They go where they need to go & shift what needs to be shifted. The result can be physical &/or emotional release (not necessarily anything dramatic), relief from pain, altered states of consciousness (from which, as we know from studies on deep meditation, profound healing can happen) & also, perhaps partly because of the building sound, an exhilarating, exciting
feeling of letting go, like when we shout, sing loudly or run very fast. All in all it’s a releasing energy & it can be very liberating to surrender to it.
Finally I play the crystal bowls. These have a clear, pure tone, & specific frequency. They are a lovely way to settle & integrate any movement or shifts from the gong. They are all tuned to 432hz (rather than 440hz) as it’s more harmonious, & I mainly play them 2 or 3 at a time to create specific intervals, known to induce calming, reassuring & uplifting states of mind. I often focus on the perfect fifth, also known as the sacred ratio & described as a sonic hug! It’s considered the most balancing of the intervals, bringing the brain hemispheres & nervous system into alignment & generally feeling very calming, like everything’s falling into place in the right way.
I also sometimes play the bowls individually to resonate & retune the chakras.
Finally there is a short grounding section, followed by plenty of time to ‘come round’ slowly, have a drink of water & of course, healthy, homemade chocolate truffles!
How do I book onto one?
Please contact me via email or phone (preferably text; contact details below) & I’ll reserve you a space if available.
• The cost is £15 & payment is needed to confirm your space (I will send a payment link after booking).
• As I need a minimum number of people booked on in order for it to run, I will let everyone know if it’s going ahead the evening before.
• If it doesn’t go ahead I will refund you, but cancellations after I’ve confirmed it’s going ahead will not be refunded.
I also take private bookings for personal or group sessions. These are £60, & as the space holds up to 4 people, this can be split between whoever’s coming (friends, partners etc.).The beauty of these is that they can be tailor made for you… Some people don’t like the intensity of the gong & would prefer a whole session with the crystal bowls, or you may like the gong but prefer it quieter or even louder than how I usually tend to play it. We can incorporate tuning forks for aches, pains, grounding & clearing, binaural beats for altered brainwave states, & generally focus on your individual needs, including which day & time suits you.
Gift vouchers are also available (see my shop page or contact me directly).
•Nb: Not suitable for pregnant women or people with severe mental health issues. Please consult your healthcare provider if you have epilepsy, vertigo, a pacemaker, metal plates or any other serious condition such as heart disease or high blood pressure. Please talk to me if you have sensory sensitivity or are anxious/ curious as to whether it’s for you, as I am happy to accommodate where possible.
1:1 tuning fork sessions
Coming very soon…
I am also a tuning forks practitioner, including Biofield Tuning, & have created several unique sessions which focus on tuning, balancing & nourishing the nervous system.
The result is deep, deep relaxation & a sense of restorative order brought about by working on the etheric, electrical & physical aspects of the body.
The session involves lying down (fully clothed); weighted tuning forks are used on points of the body (like a sonic massage!) whilst healing frequencies are simultaneously played (in the form of tuned chimes hung above the midline of the body) to work deeper with the nervous system, tuning it back to its natural state & aligning the chakras.
There are many variations & additional tools that can be incorporated into the session to tailor make it to you & your needs, so before the session we’ll have a chat to ensure that we optimise how it can best support you.
I am currently finalising plans & protocols for these sessions & will send out information in a newsletter as soon I’m ready to go ahead.