10 ways to detox without getting detox symptoms
…Or feeling like you’re on a boot camp.

People often ‘detox’ in January but end up exhausted, headachy, spotty, itchy, full of phlegm & wondering why they’re bothering, before giving up completely, feeling shit about themselves & resentful towards anyone suggesting that detox is a good idea.
Fair enough. There’s good reason for this.
When talking about detox, the focus is generally on clearing the cells – which is great, but if there’s no equal focus on the routes of elimination (i.e. actually getting the toxins out of the body via the lymph, skin, liver & bowels), they’re very likely to get clogged, overworked & tired (especially after a period of over-indulgence), creating a backlog of toxins rather than a release – which is what’s responsible for all those unpleasant detox symptoms.
Here I’m focusing on opening these exit channels so things can move on through.
These 10 methods focus on either opening the exit points, limiting further stress on the body or adding in extra resources to increase the body’s resilience to stresses (including toxins of all kinds) & ability to detoxify efficiently.
1) Castor oil packing on the liver.
Studied & written about extensively by Edgar Cayce, & known as Palma Christi – the palm of Christ, castor oil is an absolute gift of a healing & detoxification tool. It works by bringing light, energy & movement to wherever it’s placed.
It’s the only oil to hold the full spectrum of white light, & as this penetrates into the cells, it gets the lymph moving, releasing toxicity & reducing inflammation. It also helps the cells to communicate with each other efficiently.
It’s often used on the lungs, colon, over the womb & also for muscle injuries & scar tissue, & can be used anywhere on the body, but the liver must be packed first.
The liver is the main route of detoxification, & must be open before focus is placed on other areas, which is why this is such a helpful thing to do, especially before any dietary cleanse.
Personally, I’ve found castor oil helpful to soften scar tissue, shift a heavy chest cold, sooth my kidneys & adrenals in times of stress, & speed up healing from muscle injuries, but I mainly use it as an ongoing detox tool for my liver 2-3 times a week.
This is definitely my number one recommendation when it comes to detoxing.
(Contraindications: Do not use if pregnant, menstruating or in cases of high blood pressure or risk of haemorrhaging.)
2) Skin brushing.
As a daily practise preferably in the morning, skin brushing is a powerful, very simple & quick way to keep the body’s lymph flowing well.
Lymph is a clear liquid which flows all around the body acting as a ‘clear-out’ system.
A sluggish lymph flow can easily lead to an accumulation of toxins, with symptoms ranging from a sore throat & fatigue to swollen glands & lymph nodes. The purpose of a fever is to thin the lymph to help it flow in order to remove toxins, which goes to show how important it is to keep it moving.
General health, hydration & movement is key, but because the lymphatic system doesn’t have its own pump, it relies on the circulatory system. When we’re not in optimum health, or are wanting to help our body to detox, skin brushing literally helps to move the lymph.
Always brush in the direction of the heart, as this is where the lymph enters the bloodstream.
(Contraindications: Avoid on varicose veins, painful rashes or open wounds.)
3) Epsom salts in the bath.
There are 2 ways to use epsom salts. One is to add a cup or few to a warm bath (or 1/2 cup in a footbath) for magnesium intake. This is great, as magnesium is in my view the most important nutrient to ensure we have enough of, & it’s great for achy muscles, but using it in this way isn’t a detox.
For detox it must be in a higher concentration, which is why 1kg in a full bath is recommended. Taken this way, the magnesium draws out toxins & acidity through the skin.
(Contraindications: Avoid if there is a risk of haemorrhaging, high blood pressure or during pregnancy or menstruation.)
4) Clay baths (especially green or zeolite).
Baths have to be the most simple & pleasurable way to detox, & clay baths feel even more indulgent.
Clays have been used throughout history both externally & internally as powerful detoxification tools.
Rich in minerals & highly alkaline, they also hold a strong negative charge, giving them an amazing ability to absorb toxins & impurities (which hold a positive charge), & remove them from the body via the skin.
Green clay (also known as bentonite) makes an excellent bath or foot soak, & base for a face mask. It is also amazingly helpful used as a paste for tooth cavities.
Zeolite is a volcanic clay. It can also be used as a bath or foot soak, or as a base for a face mask. (Epsom salts can also be added to increase the potency of the clay & adds its own detoxing qualities too.) Although it can’t be advertised as such, both clays are often taken internally as part of a general cleansing program.
Zeolite has been used to decontaminate ground radiations from Chernobyl & Fukushima. Its strong antioxidant abilities help to eliminate free radicals, which has been shown to protect against EMF radiation. For this reason it is a favourite among those interested in reducing the harmful effects of EMFs now omnipresent in today’s increasingly ‘smart’ world.
There are 45 different naturally occurring zeolites, & only clinoptilolite should be used for detoxification.
5) Drink 2 litres of body temp water a day.
We all know we should but don’t always do it. Obviously hydration is crucial, but it’s not as simple as even drinking 2 litres of water. We also have to make sure the body is holding water efficiently (see ‘magnesium’ below).
Drinking water is so helpful when it comes to detoxing however, as it literally flushes everything, including toxins, through the body.
Body temperature is a lot more comfortable for the body, as it matches it’s natural state, & it doesn’t have to work to warm it up.
I’d strongly recommend investing in a decent water filter if you can (I don’t personally rate distillers). My favourite is the British Berkefeld which uses gravity, no electric, has fluoride filters (very important to completely stay away from this super-toxin… & don’t believe what the indoctrinated dentists tell you. I healed huge cavities naturally with no fluoride at all. It’s totally unnecessary & in my view does way more harm than good) & can even filter stream water if the need ever arose.
The other way to super-charge your water is to use a vortex funnel. I won’t go into detail here but tap water, regardless of filtering, has a very unnatural structure meaning it can’t be utilised by the body as intended. Vortexing is really easy & really powerful. You can see the results by watering your plants with it.
If you want to go all out you can also add a tachyon disc (see ’emf protection’ below) to beneath your filter or glass, &/ or some sacred geometry. Water picks up on everything, even feelings, pictures & written words so is worth using as a healing tool in as many ways as you like.
6) Take a good quality magnesium supplement.
As I said before, hydration is obviously crucial, but we tend to think of it as just drinking enough water when really it’s so much more than that.
What it really boils down to is electrolyte balance. This means working to keep magnesium, calcium, sodium & potassium moving through the cells correctly. This might sound complicated but it doesn’t have to be. Basically we generally have more than enough calcium in our diets (heavily pushed from childhood) & rarely ever enough magnesium (not pushed from childhood & depleted from the soil our food is grown in). These 2 minerals work in conjunction with each other, so upping our magnesium intake can make the world of difference to our overall health & ability to detoxify.
7) Take a good quality zinc supplement.
I know some people disagree with the idea of supplements. They’re often padded out with all kinds of shite we don’t need & in forms which the body can’t utilise properly. The answer to this is research or seek advice on which types to get, & don’t buy cheap. You very much get what you pay for when it comes to supplements. I’d suggest staying well away from supermarkets, chemists & cheap health food shops. Viridian, Biocare & Conella are my personal go-to’s.
It also doesn’t seem natural to take supplements. I do agree with this but what is natural about the topsy-turvy world we’re currently living in?! The arguments of a ‘healthy balanced diet’ or ‘everything in moderation’ are irrelevant, out-dated statements pushed by a failing, toxic ‘healthcare’ system in my view, & are consequently a recipe for disaster. We are having to heavily compensate for our toxic environment at the moment, so comparing life today with when we were young isn’t going to cut it.
Zinc is hugely important for all body systems, as it helps support the mucous membranes, the immune system, our mental health particularly anxiety, depression & addictions.
It also gets very easily deleted with stress, as the adrenals use it up when overworked, leaving us lacking when we need it most.
8) Ground yourself in nature daily.
So easily put to the bottom of the list when we’re busy, but so transforming to our moods & overall health.
‘Tree-hugging barefoot hippies’ have long been mocked by those who don’t understand what living in rubber soled shoes all the time does to our body, but as usual the weirdos of this world have it right. We are electrical beings & our charge has a huge effect on our health. (I’d recommend Eileen Mcusick’s work for more information on this.)
Basically we pick up a lot of ‘dirty’ electrical energy throughout the day, which accumulates & is stored if not released by grounding. Bare feet is the easiest way to discharge this energy & pick up a clean charge to replace it. An energetic detox – completely free too.
This is why we feel so good when we’re near the sea, as there are a lot of negative ions there.
It’s also why we feel (unless we’ve become frighteningly desensitised to it) not so good after spending a long time on phones or computers.
Going in the sea, if you live nearby is incredibly cleansing energetically, & therefore physically. I live very close to the sea & I’d love to say I take a dip to cleanse my aura every morning, but I don’t. Ever. I can’t stand the coldness (& I’m not totally convinced the adrenals will apprciate the shock in the long-term) – a warm bath with a few cups of Himalayan salt, a good book & a hot chocolate is much more my style!
Salt rock lamps give off negative ions too, so it can be helpful to have a few of these in your home.
9) Avoid EMFs as much as possible.
We are a part of nature at the end of the day, & the likes of Wifi & smartphones just weren’t part of our design. I’m not saying we should go without & live an incredibly inconvenient life alone in the arse-end of nowhere to get away from it; I’m saying we can still function in the modern world whilst minimising our exposure to harmful EMFs.
E.g. Turn Wi-Fi off as much as possible. You can use ethernet cables & TP Links for internet in the home, which work by using the house electrics. (Shop assistants & internet engineers will look at you like you’ve just landed from another planet if you mention this, but don’t be fobbed off. It’s amazing how helpful & knowledgeable they suddenly become if you tell them you have a health condition that means avoiding Wi-Fi.)
Keep phones out of pockets. Enough proof is readily available now re. the effects of radiation on sperm & therefore fertility. Also breast pockets & cancer.
LED lights are impossible to avoid but blue light filters or amber bulbs are a much healthier option.
It’s commonly thought that the more we evolve into our light bodies, the more resilient we’ll become to EMF frequencies, but in the meantime there are many products out there to help keep our energies in a coherant state, as well as sound & energy healing, & zeolite clay, as mentioned above.
My favourite is tachyon (Raw Living have a good range), which can come in various forms such as pendants & discs.
Also orgonite pyramids, & shungite crystals. Selenite is also helpful to place near electrical appliances, as are plants, particularly spiky ones.
10) 1 day a week raw fruit & veg only.
This is for me the most challenging I have to admit, as I do love my food, so doesn’t necessarily fit into the ‘easy’ category, but everyone’s different so I thought I’d include it because it really is amazingly powerful.
The reason for this is not about the nutrients, although this is an obvious bonus, it’s actually because it’s a day a week with zero fat (& raw fruit & veg only is the easiest way to do this without getting hungry or confused about what to have).
Fat isn’t a problem as such, & I certainly don’t believe that fat makes you fat. What it does do though is tax the liver.
It takes a huge amount of effort & energy for the liver to process fats. Add to this that many of us have lost the ability (due to processes within the body not functioning as intended anymore. This has happened over generations, so don’t blame yourself if this is you) to break down fats.
Given that the liver is the main workhorse in the detoxification process, it really does appreciate all the help it can get.
I once (still no idea how) did a 28 day cleanse involving only raw fruit & veg. I was struggling by the end because my body does tend to wither without meat after a while but in general I felt incredible. The lightness in my body was amazing & any niggly, even chronic symptoms I had completely vanished.
So one day a week I think is a really good way to give the liver & whole body a break, meaning it can focus more on removing toxins & cellular repair.
I would only suggest doing this if you are practicing a few other things on this list, particularly castor oil packing. This is because there will also be a cleansing from within the cells, so the liver needs to be open to be able to deal with it.
I hope this is of help to those it is of interest to x