Clear the body to hold the light…

‘how detoxing the body can help us evolve spiritually & escape the clutches of narcissistic psychopaths’…
This article is a kind of more in-depth follow-on from my previous one, The Art of Getting Better. I’ve sometimes shyed away from the spiritual angle of things when I write, but it’s such an integral part of what’s happening to us now & becoming increasingly apparent, so I feel it’s time to acknowledge it.
I also kind of feel like the title of this is my USP – what I can bring to the world with an absolute & deep understanding, because of my first-hand experiences of narcissistic abuse & a messy spiritual awakening, before coming to realise quite by accident how clearing my body on a physical level would help me balance emotionally & make sense of it all, eventually leading me back to my instincts to become authentic & sovereign enough to call it all out & go my own way on a clearly guided spiritual path. It’s been messy & is still very much a work in progress but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Talk of solar flares, photonic light, ‘the energies’ etc. is everywhere at the moment & although I love that it’s no longer weird to talk about such things, to a lot of people it sounds too wafty to be taken seriously. And to be honest I can see why.
Rarely do we hear of the ‘how’.
What is this light? Where is it? What is a photon? How does it get into my body & if it does, what’s it going to do to me & how?
To me this is a missing link that needs more awareness (which I’ll explore below).
We can’t control the fact that we are being showered with light, & how it impacts us depends on a lot of things, many of which feel beyond our control, but the physical receptibility of our bodies is one of the things that is very much within our control.
So now more than ever I believe we need to be conscious of our physical body & be careful not to bypass this in favour of chasing ‘high vibes’ & altered states, because our bodies are going through this evolutionary process with us. They’re literally changing structure & it can be tough going. We are evolving into beings which can hold more light – so if we want to do this effectively to reap the benefits of an expanded consciousness without short-circuiting, spilling over or malfunctioning in some other way (which generally manifests as emotional or sometimes physical overwhelm, confusion & fear), we need to prepare.
We hear all the time about healing the body by use of energy & spirituality as well as emotional clearing – which is fantastic (I use it myself with sound healing), but we can also do it the other way around; expand our consciousness & cope with the increasing energies by working on the physical body; something that in my experience is much less discussed.
I would even suggest that it’s not only possible, but if we want to be fully integrated in the human experience, it’s a must…
This feeling of integration is something close to my heart because of an experience I had when I was about 22. I’ve written about this on my website, but essentially it was a completely spontaneous, sudden & alarming spiritual awakening where I felt like I’d not only temporarily left my body but the planet too… It was really weird, totally freaked me out & changed my life forever.
Now years later I can see the significance of it & am immensely grateful for it, but I still to this day (23 years on) don’t know exactly what happened. My point here though is that in the months/ years that followed, I felt like my soul, my psyche & my body were like 3 cars in different lanes of the motorway going at totally different speeds.
Like my physical body had always been in the fast lane until that day, my soul being broken down on the hard shoulder somewhere & my mind & emotions driving somewhat erratically in the middle.
Then in the blink of an eye my soul had practically grown wings & transformed into a spacecraft whose pilot had no idea how to fly it, whilst the rest of me felt like it had been left far behind, in another lifetime that didn’t exist anymore.
It felt very messy, wobbly & intensely confusing, & as a result, I’m passionate about grounded spiritual growth; hence working with the body.
I guess I couldn’t have helped what happened to me (as I had no awareness of health or spirituality before it happened) & I’m so glad it did happen, but a spiritual path doesn’t have to be such a crazy ride; it can be a lot smoother, & as human beings this has to involve the physical body.
I hear so many tales of people seeking experiences of expanded consciousness by purely energetic or spiritual means & they seem to forget, be in denial or inconvenienced by the fact that they’re in a physical body. In my work & personal life I’ve seen many casualties of mind expanding drugs & now the increasingly popular plant medicines, which so often appear to not be facilitated responsibly, leaving people to integrate hugely distressing experiences on their own for years afterwards.
The very open & receptive psychic/energetic state combined with a fearful ungrounded, spacey feeling, mixed with an involuntary purging of stored traumas that I see in these people, in many ways mirrors the aftermath of my own experience.
Whether these experiences are instigated by drugs, spiritual practises etc. or appear out of nowhere, the common problematic thread is a lack of physical integration. The soul feels disconnected to the body whilst the psyche is purging/ processing traumas like a slot machine spewing out 6 months of stored coins, which people often & understandably respond to by trying to deny, project, bypass or stuff back in, leaving them feeling overwhelmed, numb, confused & often very hard to be around.
There is also the danger of the ego taking over with an intense desire to be ‘spiritual’ or ‘gifted’, which generally seems to create much of the above, except with an additional denial of repressed emotions & a grating sense of arrogance or inflated self-importance.
This is why, through my own messy & unpleasant experiences as well as naturopathy training, I learnt the importance of this balance & integration which can come from clearing the physical body as well as proper processing of emotions (which is actually a natural side effect of physical clearing).
I’ve also learnt first hand & through my work how this integrated shift in consciousness in turn enables us to become more authentic, sovereign & resilient to external control; something that in my opinion has never been more important as it is today (more on this later).
Being in a physical body is surely the point of being here. We came to earth to experience being in a physical body on a physical planet with all the weird, wonderful & bloody awful things that can come with it… At a time when we are collectively evolving into a different state of consciousness.
We’re being called to straddle the fence so to speak; to embrace our human physicality whilst ‘upgrading’ to a new way of being… & to easily & comfortably hold & integrate these higher levels of light, it pays to detox the body – essentially it’s like we do in our houses – de-cluttering & space clearing to breathe new life into it as we grow.
So what is this light anyway?…
Obviously this is a big subject but I’m going to attempt a nutshell version below & also recommend the fabulous book, ‘Cellular Awakening’, as every avenue I go down regarding the ‘human evolution’ we’re going through, no matter from which angle, I come full circle back to my original training with the wonderful Barbara Wren (who is now over 90& still astounds me with her razor sharp mind & relentless energy – a true testament to her own teachings).
Basically we have masses of photonic light now available to us as we move through the photon belt.
This light/ energy holds universal information/ wisdom, & this information is held in our bodies by water.
So we must be hydrated to be able to receive, hold & make sense of these messages.
Although drinking water is obviously important, there’s more to it; our cells need to be functioning as intended, as it’s the condition of the cell that enables the water to be held in the body.
When we can hold water properly, our cells can create electron clouds which then attract & hold the photonic light & we are able to access the universal information held within it.
When we can do this, our health improves hugely, as with cellular hydration comes proper cellular communication, repair & maintenance, which influences the whole body’s homeostasis.
Mood & mental health becomes more balanced; fear goes hand in hand with dehydration, so with increased cellular hydration we become a lot less fearful, & with increased light we gain more connection to who we really are & more connection to the universe/ source/ God, call it what you will.
The works of Dr Emoto & Veda Austin (which can easily be replicated at home my anyone) are of huge relevance & interest here. They have demonstrated the structural differences of water exposed to different emotions & found that the water crystals of e.g. fear are very distorted in contrast to the beautiful, clear patterns of e.g. love. Given that our bodies are over 70% water, the implications are obvious & to me, very exciting…
Emotional trauma is held in the body as a vibration, which as a crystalised water pattern would look messy & incoherent. Working physically to hydrate our cells, in turn enabling us to hold more light can change this. The vibration/ energy of this light brings a more coherent state to the cell & the trauma can be released.
I work with sound to heal in this way too, & this displacement of trauma is why we often feel an emotional release following any type of detox, be it from nutrition, sound healing, massage or many other modalities.
This increase in available light combined with our ability to hold it is also how/ why we are now increasingly able to access abilities such as telepathy & spiritual knowledge & contact.
More & more people are being propelled onto a spiritual path, which then often leads to taking more care of themselves physically too, meaning less toxins & consequently a higher light quotient, creating a positive cycle.
Some ‘experts’ may deny all this & some psychics may imply they have unique powers, but I believe it’s available to all of us & can be received in many different ways, some more subtle than others.
I’m well aware however, of how completely unappealing this is to many people & how scary it can be, because of my own experience – which is why I’m emphasising the need for physical clearing to help lose the fear & balance everything that’s happening to us that feels beyond our control, consequently turning it into a smoother, more grounded, positive experience with unlimited emotional benefits.
The other aspect to all this is to do with de-programming ourselves to be able to fully trust our instincts (see my book, ‘A Pandemic of Narcissistic Abuse’ for more on this). I wrote my book because I could clearly see the link between narcissistic abuse on a personal level, which is coming to light now for many people, & narcissistic abuse on a more global scale. I would say governmental, but to me it’s way beyond governments. I believe they are just the puppets; the facilitators of a much larger agenda. Anyway, the point is that de-cluttering the body via detox also helps with the process of de-programming, even on a subconscious level (which of course is where most of our programming is stored).
I think this is a vital part of our evolution, & the train has well & truly left the station regardless of how many people would rather for convenience sake is stays where it is. This is a train we could all do with catching as soon as possible, because clinging onto a sinking ship (too many transport related analogies going here but you get my drift) is never going to end well.
Given what’s going on in the world & the level of mind control at play, we need to be able to hear our instincts & have the conviction to live by them more than ever. 2020 couldn’t have taught us this any more clearly.
As I said before, clearing the body & recovering a healthy level of cellular hydration will make our energy more coherent, meaning we can hold more light & connect more easily to universal information & our true selves.
This is the perfect antidote to the games that the ‘powers that be/ were’ are up to… There’s no denying that we are being programmed, groomed & heavily manipulated into a constant state of fear & self-sacrificial victimhood, always outsourcing our wants & needs to those in a position of self-imposed ‘authority’ who drip feed endless tales of woe to an ‘ignorant & selfish’ humanity, creating immense anxiety, pain, guilt & divide before poking us to ‘do the right thing’, whether that involves giving money we don’t have, going without, injecting ourselves & our children with some unknown concoction made by companies riddled with criminal convictions, & of course keeping our mouths firmly shut so not to cause any offense to those caught up in & enabling our collective abuse & enslavement.
Problem, reaction, solution – a classic narcissistic protocol.
This constant stress being fed to us (if we buy into it) is causing dehydration in the body, which means less light & a more muted & scrambled connection to ourselves & the wider picture. This leaves us more susceptible to believing what others tell us rather than what we know instinctively.
The school system with its obedience & conformity training, as well as the government agenda fuelled curriculum & emphasis on left-hemisphere brain development is a huge part of how our malleable minds are captured so early on, alongside parents who are still within the programming of their own upbringing.
Add to that the media & social pressure that continuously surrounds us, it’s a lot to get away from.
The more we subject ourselves (& our children) to these fear-control systems (which are often very subtle & wrapped in shiny packaging, usually to make us feel like we fit in &/ or are a good person to alleviate our programmed guilt) without striving to free ourselves, the more dehydrated & contracted we become & therefore increasingly more vulnerable to their mind control tactics – so more likely to act unconsciously into doing what ‘they’ want rather than we what we want. Partly because if we’re that cut off from our true selves, we have no idea what we really want anyway.
This is why I wrote my book – to raise awareness of all the classic manipulative tricks, of which there are hundreds, so we can see things for what they are & stop doubting ourselves when we know deep down that something’s off. The more people connect with their own internal moral compass & personal navigation system, the easier it is for others to do the same – & that’s what’s happening now.
And this empowered state of being can be strengthened by physically detoxing the body, so we can connect to these internal guidance systems more readily.
Imagine if it was as easy to tune into our instincts as it is to tune into the ‘news’? Imagine if we did what our instincts told us to do as readily as we do what the tv tells us?
This is what can happen when we clear the body, hydrate & hold more light. We can feel the energy of these games.
Not only that but trust our ability to feel the energy of the games & act accordingly – which will always be for our highest good. It doesn’t happen overnight but it does undoubtedly happen.
So much of the programming & toxicity being thrown at us currently from all angles I believe is essentially to lower our consciousness. With the increase in photonic light & the evolutionary opportunities that come with it, we are a huge threat to the small number of self-serving power hungry control freaks who have been holding the majority of the world’s wealth & power for a long long time.
If they want to keep their position, they need to keep us dumbed down, in a fearful victim state (whilst believing we have some level of power by manufacturing various issues for us to campaign & ‘fight back’ against), distracted by constant woe, wars, dramas, bread & circus sport, & dehydrated by the incessant normalisation of consuming toxic foods, drinks, vapes, recreational & pharma drugs, emfs, porn, addictive gaming & ‘news’papers etc… The list goes on.
There’s no denying this is where we find ourselves if we allow ourselves to be led by the external world in its current state. But the exciting thing is that with this rising awareness, we are finding more & more ways to turn away from all the toxic noise & listen to ourselves again.
This is precisely what ‘they’ don’t want & precisely why we need to work on doing just that.
I personally believe it’s a done deal, this evolution… a matter of time. I have no fear about the future, however rocky it might become whilst we continue through the transition of the old ways collapsing to make way for the new.
But as well as energetic & emotional healing, & personal growth methods, there are physical ways to make the process more comfortable & autonomous, which some people will find more accessible, grounding & practical – which is why I’m writing this.
Toxicity of all kinds vibrationally takes up space where light could be, so in clearing out the old toxic debris, we make way for the new.
So how do we go about this?
Again, obviously this is a nutshell version.
(I do offer personalised detox plans & also have a ‘Cleanse’ PDF available in my website shop which includes more information & is more involved, offering 3 different plans based on your desired level of intensity.)
So when I consider whether something (or someone!) is ‘good’ for me, I think about its energetic impact. Is it nourishing me or stressing me out/ depleting me?
This is true of food, drinks, medicine, people, places, activities… everything in life.
Then, (in overly simple terms), I can make choices.
Some people believe we shouldn’t avoid anything, but rather ‘become resilient’ to it. This can be done to a point but it takes valuable energy & is usually unpleasant. We could become resilient to being smacked in the face but we’d be disrespecting ourselves & for me, the same applies with energetics. There is plenty we can’t completely avoid (chemtrails, EMFs, manufactured lurgies etc.) which require effort to neutralise, so I think where we do have a choice it’s worth taking.
I can’t say if someone’s job/ tv habits/ relationship is toxic for them but I can advise (albeit in generic bullet points here) on naturopathy…
Plenty of:
• Structured, filtered water, 2L – I recommend a British Berkefeld filter & a water structuring funnel
• Organic fruit & veg, some cooked, some raw
• Clean, lean protein, e.g. chicken, beef, fish
• Gentle grains, e.g. rice & oats. Short-grain rice is particularly gentle & hydrating.
• Fat. Only use saturated, i.e. butter, ghee or coconut oil for cooking because other fats are not heat stable & change their structure to become toxic. (Someone please tell Jamie Oliver this.) If you want a more powerful detox, leave out all fats completely for a week or more, or ongoing for one day a week. This gives the liver a much needed break which frees it up to process & remove more toxins.
• Natural sweeteners, e.g. honey, maple
• Sugar
• Alcohol
• Coffee
• Gluten
• Dairy (goats is generally better tolerated if you do want to have some dairy)
• Additives, preservatives, aspartame etc.
• Fake meat
• Chemical skin/ cleaning products
• Tap water
• Smart meters
Naturopathic techniques:
• Skin brushing
• Epsom salts/ clay baths
• Castor oil packing (castor oil holds the entire light spectrum, which is very helpful for efficient cell communication)
• Enemas
• EMF protection e.g. tachyon
• Supplements, especially magnesium which is vital to the body for electrolyte balance & therefore hydration.
Please see my website for more information, products & recipes.